Statistical Analysis

From the development of the statistical analysis plan to the creation of the statistical analysis report, our experts analyze data relying on their knowledge and experience to rigorously assess drug efficacy and safety. Our experts have extensive experience in post-marketing surveillance and statistical analysis of data in all phases of clinical trials.

Our experienced team of biostatisticians provides trial design consultation, statistical methodology recommendations, programming expertise, and reporting accuracy necessary to deliver your trial efficiently and on time. Data analysis is performed using industry-standard SAS® software. Services include:

    • Comprehensive data analysis plans, including sample size determinations, detailed descriptions of statistical methodologies, program specifications, and mock examples of all deliverables.
    • Preparation and generation of randomization plans.
    • Preparation of customized analysis programs thoroughly tested and validated according to documented procedures.
    • Interpretation of study results and writing support for study reports and manuscripts.
      Integrated efficacy and safety analysis for regulatory submissions.
    • Adaptive design consultation to help lower development costs and reduce time to market.